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3D Arkanoid/Breakout style game developed using Three.js and JavaScript


An Arkanoid/Breakout style game with a chilled-out space vibe. Bounce the ball up to break the blocks, picking up any of a variety of powerups that drop from destroyed blocks. Break all the blocks to proceed to the next level with more blocks to destroy.

Thoughts from Development

It was during this module that I coined the term "Brain Soup" to describe my coding experience. JavaScript isn't the greatest language to use, especially when the browser caches every run attempt and the code does not tell you that it is broken. Couple that with the... interesting and lesser-known three.js (and the fact it has very little online help compared to something like Unity),  this module was a struggle. Having only about a month and needing this game to be Object-Orientated in a language that doesn't really support it really did not help. 

Grade: First (86%)


Key Features

  • Raycasting collision detection

  • Different visual effects

  • A variety of different powerups

  • Music and audio effetcs

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